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Writer's pictureWarren Schick

Cautiously, Carefully and Pragmatically - In-Office Acupuncture Resumes (Limited Availability)

Video Summary: COVID 19 Clinic Policies & Procedures

Here are the KEY points covered in this video.

*LIMITED* In-Person Acupuncture Treatments - Urgent Pain Conditions (Non-Emergency)

Active Points Wellness is currently offering IN OFFICE appointments for urgent needs (e.g. Acute- or Chronic- pain). Acupuncturists, as alternative healthcare providers, are listed as essential healthcare providers and caregivers by Washington Department of Health (WA DOH) and Governor Inslee.

TELEMEDICINE WELLNESS - I continue to offer video conferencing for telemedicine and corrective exercise prescription. This has been a unique and highly effective method for me to continue care and to be a resource for my patients and community.

Please contact me directly to schedule in-person or telemedicine appointments.

The following are MANDATORY Patient and Clinic office procedures. These procedures will be updated based on available guidelines from the CDC and Washington Department of Health.

A Patient should NOT schedule an appointment if they or someone in their household has been exhibiting any of the following symptoms over the past 14 days. These symptoms include:

  • Fever

  • Chills, or shaking with chills

  • Coughing or wheezing

  • Sore throat

  • Recent loss of taste or smell

  • Shortness of Breath

  • Sputum/phlegm Production

  • Sneezing

  • Fatigue or malaise

  • Muscle aches or muscle pain

  • Headache

Patient & Clinic Procedures (MANDATORY)

1. Contact me directly via text, phone or email PRIOR to scheduling any appointment in order to discuss your situation.

2. WAIT OUTSIDE the building in your vehicle or other safe location until appointment time. Please DO NOT use public waiting area on the second floor.

3. TEXT or PHONE 360-788-5866 to let me know you have arrived.

4. I will meet you outside the building ENTRANCE to take your temperature.

5. Wear a FACE MASK upon entering the building and during the entirety of your time in the building, including during your treatment.

6. WASH HANDS upon arriving on the second floor (Executive office suites).

7. WASH HANDS upon departure.

Additional Clinic Procedures

· Please understand there will be limited appointment availability.

· Patients will be scheduled on the hour (no overlapping appointments will be made).

· Clinic will alternate treatment rooms to allow for appropriate cleaning/sanitizing time of all surfaces.

· No sheets or linens will be used to allow for appropriate cleaning and disinfecting.

· Provider will be wearing a face mask throughout all treatments.

· ADHERE to respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette (use tissue or sleeve of clothing).

***Clean Needle Technique (CNT) standards are always employed at Active Points Wellness.

DISCLAIMER: This information is not intended to replace Medical advice from a Physician. Consult a Physician prior to beginning any new exercise, dietary or lifestyle changes.

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