Manual Therapy

Your body has millions of sensory nerves that communicate your every function and action.
Functional Soft Tissue Transformation (FSTT) harnesses the power of the nervous system to increase sensory and motor control, so you move more effectively without pain and dysfunction.
(And when combined with acupuncture and exercise the results are highly effective...)

Want to know what Functional Soft Tissue Transformation (FSTT) can treat?
Here’s a non-exhaustive but impressive list.

Knee Osteoarthritis Pain

Patelo-Femoral Tendonitis

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Shoulder Impingement

Rotator Cuff Tendonitis

Cervicogenic Pain

Back Pain

Hip Bursitis

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Why Is Sensory Neuromuscular Bodywork So Effective?
Here are just a few reasons…

It's Incredibly Safe
Manual therapeutic techniques, such as Functional Soft Tissue Transformation, is one of history’s safest and effective therapies. It is used to promote many different aspects of health, including: blood flow, neuromuscular activation and to break up adhesions tight musculature, to name a few. It is also very relaxing to help with stress management.

When performed consistently, Functional Soft Tissue Transformation has a profound impact on the sensory nervous system to create stability of the joints and control dynamic movement patterns. This technique plugs directly into the most powerful circuit board – the human nervous system (Brain and CNS.

There's Proven Results
Manual bodywork techniques are perhaps some of the most effective therapies and rehabilitative techniques used across many disciplines, chiropractic, physical therapy, massage therapy. It has been around for centuries within Chinese medicine. It has stood the test of time and continues to demonstrate effectiveness today.
How Functional Soft Tissue Transformation (FSTT) Helps

Stimulates Your Neuro-Muscular System
With pain and inflammation comes inhibition of neuromuscular control due to a reduction in sensory proprioceptive feedback. The nervous system responds to reduced neural “information” by restricting range of motion. This helps to ensure improved joint stability. By improving the sensory afferent feedback, the brain has better information and increases mobility and range of motion.

Improves Microcirculation
With many manual bodywork techniques we can relax “tense” or constricted muscle, which also restricts healthy blood flow through the tissues of the body. These techniques promote lymphatic drainage, reduces swelling, and helps to bring nutritious, oxygenated blood to injured tissues, and pull “old” blood away from affected areas of the body. This has a positive effect in creating an environment for improved healing and overall well-being.

Promotes Tissue Healing
When your muscle tissue is relaxed, it is able to remove blood and fluids that accumulate in the injured tissues surrounding tissues and joints. In addition, by restoring proper or healthy neuro-muscular patterns the mechanical stress of dysfunctional movements are corrected. The result is a decrease in pain and inflammation, improved healing, increased mobility and joint function.

Helps Your Body Create Healthy Movements
With the application of Functional Soft Tissue Transformation as a weekly therapy for several weeks, your body naturally and gently begins to shift into positive movement patterns. The changes induced by this therapy in conjunction with corrective exercises literally retrain new, healthy neural pathways so you can move and feel your best.