Video Summary: 3 Simple Exercises To Improve Shoulder Strength, Mobility And Function
Here are the KEY points covered in these three videos. Contact us directly with questions.
DISCLAIMER: Move only in non-pain position. This video does not replace medical advice from your physician. I recommend consulting your physician prior to beginning any new exercise program.
Anatomy of Shoulder:
• Glenohumeral joint
• Sternoclavicular joint
• Acromioclavicular joint
• Scapulothoracic joint
No joint operates in isolation – We are 3 Dimensional Beings!!!
Most every movement we make in life impacts all joints of the body (whether we are aware of it happening or not). Movements from the hand and arm affect movements at ALL other joints –> elbow, shoulder, spine, hips, knees, ankles, feet and toes.
Our bodies are a continuum of soft tissue from the tips of our fingers to the tips of our toes – bone, muscle, tendon, ligaments, vessels (arteries, veins, nerves), and fascia (which surrounds bones, muscles, tendons, etc.)
Shoulder Joint Movements – Flexion, Extension, Rotation, Ab/Adduction, Circumduction
We operate in 360 degrees of function –> each movement creates a symphony of feedback-
Proprioception = Biofeedback
• Muscle Spindles
• Golgi Tendon organs – Golgi Lig Endings – Golgi Mazzoni Endings (Bone Capsules)
• Ruffini Endings (Bones, Joints – Spine/Proximal)Free Nerve Endings
• Fascial Proprioceptors – 3 defined, but more discoveries to be made
Feedback signals are created from changes in joint and soft tissue — Velocity, Tension, Compression – some receptors are slow to adapt, and others adapt quickly. All biofeedback provides a “Spatial Picture” to our Brain and CNS. Pain – decreases or “blurs” our proprioceptive “picture” of our body in space. Pain Signals Nociceptive Feedback- In response, our neuromuscular system creates “tightness” to limit joint range of motion. This is a “healthy” response to protect the joint and soft tissue from damage due to INSTABILITY. For Healthy Movement – We MUST harness this vast network of POSITIVE Feedback — Orchestra
REVIEW: 3 simple methods for creating this “Symphony” of BIOFEEDBACK to develop STABILITY OF THE JOINTS and IMPROVE FUNCTIONAL MOBILITY are as follows:
VIDEO 1. Spinal Mobility – Seated T-Spine Mobility
• Sagittal – FL/EXT
• Transverse – ROTATION L/R
• Frontal – Combined
VIDEO 2. Shoulder Mobility – Hand Directed Movement
• FlexionRotation
• Opposite Rotation
• Fixed Hand
VIDEO 3: Shoulder Mobility – Hip Directed Movement
• Turn Feet until hand and shoulder are at a comfortable end range of motion
• Avoid Painful positions
• Hand Position A – Shoulder Height
• Hand Position B – Overhead
• Perform 2-3 x/day
• 1-2 Sets
• 3-6 Repetitions
• 5-6 Second Hold at Comfortable Range of Motion “Mild to Moderate” Intensity